AA Lower Mainland Preview Week 8
Lower Mainland
1. St. Thomas More
2. Sutherland
3. Collingwood
4. Sentinel
5. McMath
6. Windsor
7. Notre Dame
8. King George
9. St. Thomas Aquinas
10. Steveston
HM: McNair, St. Patricks
Please post game action and results.
STA and St Pats are both better than ND and have both proved it on the court, beating the jugglers at various points this year and both finishing higher at the Catholic School Tournament I beleive.
No St pats lost to Notre dame at the catholics tournament by 15
and Notre dame played STA in the beginningn of the year wen ND football season was still going on i heard, so i think STA and ND should be a good game
Collingwood isn't lower mainland their north shore
who the hell is sutherland, where did they come from, who they got? who they beaten?
yah this thing is messsed up , # 2 , 3 and 4 and 9 and 6 should not be in this , they are part of Howe Sound , Brittania should also be in the mix as weel they coul dbe a top contender , Mcmath lost to ND at the STM tournament as weell by 17 , was not a good game
Brit should be the #2 seed in the Lowermainland Zone. I understand there are two seeds this year.
It is unfortunate that Byng was 2 students over the cap for AA...Byng vs. STM would have been a good final...STM will walk all over everyone in the mainland tourney. Byng was over the cap because they took a life skills class (special needs) from Kits since they had no room. I'm not sure those kids contribute to the program.
yup, its stm knights and brittania heading to kamloops next week,
i think stm will go far. they haven't been in the playoffs in years. they have a couple good grade 11 guys and some of their grade 12's are strong
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