Sunday, November 20, 2005

2005 NSIT Draw

As predicted below, Centennial wins the 2005 NSIT with a win over Carson in the final game. Couple of really good games were the Kits/Handsworth where Kits won by 3 pts, and Belmont/Handsworth in the consolation where Handsworth won by 1. Tournament all-stars were:

Most Valuable Player - Paul Samra (Centennial)

First All-Star Team - Calvin Westbrook (G.P. Vanier); Ty Nurse (Kitsilano); Rob Sacre (Handsworth); Elvis Balic (Centennial) and Lucian Sauciuc (Centennial)

Second All-Star Team - Gary Pelton (Pitt Meadows); Eliot Rushton (Oak Bay); Niko Cochran (Kitsilano); Lin Chang (Carson Graham) and Nate Kirk (Carson Graham)

Round 1

Handsworth vs Mt Douglas
Cowichan vs Kitsilano
Argyle vs Belmont
GP Vanier vs Centennial
West Vancouver vs Burnaby Central
Oak Bay vs Kelowna
Carson vs Carihi
Pitt Meadows vs Wellington


Handsworth vs Kitsilano
Argyle vs Centennial
West Vancouver vs Oak Bay
Carson vs Pitt Meadows


Kitsilano vs Centennial
Oak Bay vs Pitt Meadows


Centennial vs Pitt Meadows

Some great matchups even in the first round. Picked Centennial based on Kits beating Handsworth in the Quarters. If Handsworth wins, they can probably take the tournament. Handsworth/Kits will be the game of the tournament. Pitt should make the finals as Wellington, Carson and Oak Bay are all beatable by Pitt.


At 9:11 AM, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you post the dates and times for the tournament games??

At 6:44 PM, November 25, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Blogger sir, I sure hope you're getting paid for all this dedicated work.

At 10:54 PM, November 25, 2005, Blogger BCSportsFanatic said...

Not a dime.

But I actually prefer it that way. This way I get to say what I want to say without anybody influencing me with $$$

At 1:53 AM, November 30, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can you find the schedule for the North shore tourney

At 10:01 PM, November 30, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

December 1st
Game 1 2:15 pm- @ Handsworth- Handsworth vs Mt. Douglas
Game 2 4:00 pm- @ Handsworth- Cowichan vs Kitsilano
Game 3 2:15 pm- @ Argyle- Argyle vs Belmont
Game 4 4:00 pm- @ Argyle- Centennial vs GP Vanier
Game 5 2:15 pm- @ West Van- West Van vs Elgin Park
Game 6 4:00 pm- @ West Van- Oak Bay vs Kelowna
Game 7 2:15 pm- @ Carson- Carson vs Carihi
Game 8 4:00 pm- @ Carson- Pitt Meadows vs Wellington

December 2nd
Game 9 2:30 pm- @ Carson- L1 vs L2
Game 10 4:15 pm- @ Carson- L3 vs L4
Game 11 6:00 pm- @ Handsworth- W3 vs W4
Game 12 7:45 pm- @ Handsworth- W1 vs W2
Game 13 2:30 pm- @ Handsworth- L5 vs L6
Game 14 4:15 pm- @ Handsworth- L7 vs L8
Game 15 6:00 pm- @ Carson- W5 vs W6
Game 16 7:45 pm- @ Carson- W7 vs W8

December 3rd
Game 17 9:00 am- @ Argyle- L9 vs L10
Game 18 9:00 am- @ Carson- L13 vs L14
Game 19 9:00 am- @ Handsworth- W9 vs W10
Game 20 10:45 am- @ Argyle- W13 vs W14
Game 21 10:45 am- @ Carson- L11 vs L12
Game 22 10:45 am- @ Handsworth- L15 vs L16
Game 23 12:30 pm- @ Handsworth- W11 vs W12
Game 24 12:30 pm- @ Carson- W15 vs W16
Game 25 2:15 pm- @ Handsworth- W17 vs W18
Game 26 2:15 pm- @ Carson- W19 vs W20
Game 27 4:00 pm- @ Carson- W21 vs W22
Game 28 6:15 pm- @ Handsworth- L23 vs L24
Game 29 8:00pm- @ Handsworth- W23 vs W24

At 10:38 PM, November 30, 2005, Blogger BCSportsFanatic said...

Thanks... Too bad Central has pulled out. Anyone know why??

At 11:40 PM, November 30, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

they just got a team together and started practicin like 2 weeks ago!
but they will b ready for hsbc

At 8:14 PM, December 02, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

they left the turney cuz they were also invited to the north hill turney at cariboo hill secondary in burnaby and it is much closer...:s but they beat hamber by like double the points

At 12:19 AM, December 03, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kits Beat Handsworth, Centennial Won, Oak Bay beat West Van and Carson Knocked Off Pitt, is it just me or does Pitt seem to be losing alot? I'm not sure there top 5 and if they lose to West Van in the consolation Semi's they probably wont be top 10!

At 10:51 AM, December 03, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who was playing good for oak bay?

At 1:13 PM, December 03, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rushton was pretty solid for Oak Bay and the PG plus there big men but it really was a defensive match-up, West Van wasnt doing much on offense and relied on there D to stay in the game

At 1:44 PM, December 03, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pitt just annialated West Van, they were ready to play after that loss to Carson, no one could stop Pelton and they were droping the 3 ball like it was nothing. West Van looked as if they were still in bed, not the best game by a long shot

At 3:49 PM, December 03, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

intriguing how carson is playing, Yao Ming must be the real deal, Kits lost to Centennial so Carson Centennial Final, definetly not what was originally predicted but should be a good game.

At 3:59 PM, December 03, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carson is playing like no one expected. how far up do u think they'll go on the rankings? they started at 15 with everone thinking they were a joke. and now they knocked off the #5 pitt and #7 oak bay and now playing #8 centennial

At 4:02 PM, December 03, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^ what do u think about how the teams played BCSportsFanatic? How r u changing your rankings?

At 11:07 PM, December 03, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

apparently Carson got blown out by Centennial. Not surprising, young team with one guy leading the charge, came flying out of the gate so it'll be interesting to see how they play from now on, definetly earned a top 10 ranking but can they sustain?

At 11:37 PM, December 03, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't put Carson top ten yet. It just shows how the rankings are all really bad as Pitt is lucky to be in top 15 and Oak Bay basically goes the same. Centennial should be ranked top 3 right now as they keep proving everyone wrong!

At 12:48 AM, December 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Carson will not only sustain a top 10 ranking all year long but possibly top 5..Lin Chan(yao ming) is backed up by much more than what most of you guys make it seem. Carson is not a one man team you can have my word on that..They have a great outside shooter in Jeff Casselman, and tons of athletisism on the perimeter as well as a great coach in Mike Morgan..They will continue to improve as they integrate Lin more into the he is already a terror on defence

At 1:10 AM, December 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lin had an amazing game against pitt..I thought he contained pelton very well. As for integrating him into the offence,yes you could tell him and his teamates hadn't played together for a long time but I think they will gradually get better

At 9:36 AM, December 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wut grade is lin in?

At 10:28 AM, December 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 10:31 AM, December 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carson IS NOT A TOp 5 team not even top 10..

Centennial destroyed them by 36 ..this showed y the draw sucked.. belmont could have made it to the finals on carson side

after lin they got no one

At 10:37 AM, December 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And where do u coach good sir?

At 10:49 AM, December 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes bcsportsfanatic where do u coach?

At 11:34 AM, December 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carson is lucky to have Mike Morgan, guy is a great coach but how long will he stay there under Donahoes shadow. Mike needs to leave Carson and take control at another school, create his own program and win a provincial title

At 2:46 PM, December 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yah i liked how lin contained pelton when pitt came back from 16 down in about 4 mins after theyre starters came back on in the 3rd lin scored 4 points the whole game because he was being checked by 5'10 gaurd from pitt he also travelled about 10 times carson got lucky in this tourney dosnt look like itll happen again

At 2:51 PM, December 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, its funny though how many points did pelton have again? Pitt doesn't belong anywhere in the top 10

At 2:54 PM, December 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's also quite amusing how you're starters couldn't stop Carson's outside shooting, when Carsons "only player" was being triple teamed everytime he got the ball

At 5:11 PM, December 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Cent really showed there true colors in tis tourney reminding us who the reigning junior champions are also i thought thay got some qualtiy play from players on the bench I never knew they had

At 6:58 PM, December 04, 2005, Blogger BCSportsFanatic said...

I'm not coaching at the moment, maybe next season...

At 12:36 AM, December 05, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, where are you from?

At 1:13 PM, December 05, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 8:43 PM, December 05, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no idea how Carson was able to beat those teams. They got absolutely killed by Centennial in every term of the game. They are not a very good team but Lin has a ton of potential and is a great players for them!

At 8:50 PM, December 05, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carson Sucks.. and Centennial proved it


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